It was very wise of Sarah Palin to wait for some of the craziness to subside before commenting on the accusations against her and other Conservatives. As proven by the liberals, it's easy to get caught up in the heat of the moment and say extremely stupid things. By taking time to think and reflect Palin proved, once again, that she is far more intelligent than most democrats and media people.
It always amazes me that the double standard is so easy for liberals to use effectively. I can go to google and pull up 100 examples of democrats/liberals using gun, target or war references in campaign speech or materials. Hell, I can find several examples of obama himself using imagery of or references to violence. Yet to hear them tell it, that is only done by conservatives, and if they say it loud enough and often enough, it becomes reality despite large quantities of evidence to the contrary. Of course, the media will do nothing to set the record straight. They are not in the the truth business anymore.
And it seems that the first reaction of democrats to a tragedy is to try to limit our freedoms even further. There is talk now of putting further limits on free speech as well as figuring out a way to make it even harder to defend ourselves.
democrats and the media should be ashamed of themselves for their actions after this tragedy. They are the ones who should have trouble sleeping at night. Trying to gain a political advantage at the expense of victims and their families is despicable...
From FoxNewsSarah Palin made a call to conscious Wednesday for those who would manufacture "a blood libel" for last weekend's Arizona shooting, saying "acts of monstrous brutality ... begin and end with the criminals who commit them, not collectively" with Americans exercising their constitutional freedoms.
The former Republican vice-presidential candidate, the target of many knee-jerk pontificators ascribing motive to Jared Lee Loughner, the gunman in the Tuscon attack that killed six and injured 14 others, had been silent since shortly after the Saturday shooting when she issued a two-line statement offering her prayers for the families and victims.
But Palin's name -- and those of others, including Republican Senate candidate Sharron Angle -- had been central in the early accusations over what spurred the shooting. Liberal media pundits assigned blame by citing Palin's political action committee's website, which showed crosshairs on districts that it was targeting in the November midterm, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, the believed target of the gunman who was wounded in the shooting.
Others said Angle's comments on the campaign trail also incited violence. The debate about heated political rhetoric ratcheted up so quickly and vigorously -- even before Loughner had been identified as the alleged shooter -- some Democratic lawmakers called for curbs on free speech.
In a Facebook posting issued Wednesday morning, Palin lamented the "irresponsible statements" of those casting blame on political figures.
"If you don't like a person's vision for the country, you're free to debate that vision. If you don't like their ideas, you're free to propose better ideas. But, especially within hours of a tragedy unfolding, journalists and pundits should not manufacture a blood libel that serves only to incite the very hatred and violence they purport to condemn. That is reprehensible," Palin said.
She added that claims that the political rhetoric is somehow more heated today than ever before seem unfounded, noting that "back in those 'calm days'" of the Republic, political differences were occasionally settled with "dueling pistols."
But even as Palin decried the accusations, some lawmakers federal regulations are needed to stop heated speech.
Rep. Louise Slaughter, D-N.Y., on Monday referenced a comment by Angle in calling for a change in the nation's political dialogue -- by will or by law.