In the now infamous words of rahm emanuel, "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste". It seems that the liberal media and government have been trying to live by those words since the dreadful shootings on Saturday.
Isn't this tragedy bad enough on it's own? Why do we now have to suffer through the blame game? A single hour hadn't elapsed and the media began to paint this psycho idiot as a right wing extemist. Not a single shred of evidence had been revealed at that point, but it didn't stop them from going there anyway.
One of these days the main stream media is going to look around for their credibility, there going to wonder why they are readerless and viewerless. Maybe then, someone will look back through the archives, objectively and see what led them to ruin.
These last few days should have been a time of reflection. A time for the families to mourn their losses and attend to their injured loved ones. Instead it has been a game of bullshit politics, a blame game based on nothing of substance. It's too bad that blood and violence sell. It says a lot about the culture we have become. I am sad for us, I am sad for our Nation. We are better than this...